NRI Corner

India has turned into a splendid investment destination for Non Resident Indians and persons of Indian origin. A growing & robust economy, a strong Rupee and profitable companies have together ensured that investors get maximum returns from both equity and debt markets. A highly transparent and automated stock exchange and a resonant mutual fund industry have ensured that investments are liquid and transparent. Taking advantage of this environment and our proven experience in the market.

We offer the entire gamut of financial planning and advisory services to NRIs and also provide additional services such as tax filing in India.

Investment Avenues:
Extent of Tax Liability:

Based on the residential status of a tax payer and the place where the income is earned, the income that is included in the total income is as under:

All incomes whether earned in India or outside India

Not Ordinarily Resident:
All incomes:

 Earned in India, and
 All incomes earned outside India if the same is derived from a business which is controlled in India or from a profession which is set up in India.

Non Resident:
 All incomes earned in India

Double Taxation Avoidance:
Since a resident is liable to pay tax in India on his ‘total world income’, it is possible that he may have to pay tax on his foreign income in that country also. To avoid such a situation the Government of India has entered into agreements for avoidance of ‘double taxation’ with different countries.


If you have any query, please feel free to contact us